Living Choices is the health & well-being, and community support division of The Mountain Meadows Charitable Trust (MMCT).
Our Living Choices division helps, promotes, and educates people in, healthful living and lifestyle choices.
Our ethos is that we do not judge anyone as Jesus did not judge us. He helped anyone that needed help no matter who they were or where they come from.
The Mountain Meadows Charitable Trust (MMCT) is a faith based Christian ministry which has been running for over 10 years.
MMCT is not run or controlled by any other organisation. The Trust is controlled by a board, with a CEO running the operational side of the organisation.
MMCT is a registered charity and an incorporated society in New Zealand. (CC28699)
Our main source of income is by donations.
MMCT mission
To provide services beneficial to the community by way of the support of persons in need and the advancement of education, having special regard to the needs of persons who face adversity in their life, and those who are disadvantaged by reason of youth or age, infirmity, disablement, poverty, race or social or economic circumstances.
To develop and provide training programmes, counselling, healing, support services, and programmes which equip people with life skills.
To develop and create Media resources, which support and assist people in developing good character, healthful lives and positive attitudes